Our story

Odisei Music is a young company that designs and manufactures electronic wind instruments. Our goal is to spread music around the world by helping musicians develop their music skills in a faster and easier way.  We are a multidisciplinary team with different backgrounds but we all have something in common: “Our love and passion for music”.

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“It was a disaster trying to practice my horn in a small flat. I bothered my colleagues and neighbours so much that I had to start practicing outside, in the parks. But when the winter came, it was to cold to practice so I understood that I had to create something that could help me practice anytime and anywhere.”

Ramón Mañas

CEO of Odiseimusic

Our mission

From there onwards, we have been obsessed creating the smallest and lightest electronic saxophone in the world, to help saxophonist to practice and play silently when and wherever they want without disturbing others

Milestones & Awards

Throughout more than 3 years of hard work of the entire Odisei music team, these are some of the most representative achievements.


👉🏻 Current models of electronic saxophones you must know.

👉🏻  Comparison table with all the features and main differences.

👉🏻 Price list of each one to help you to decide which is better for you!

Get it now with free download!
“Electronic Saxophones – The Ultimate Guide” 
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Free download!
“E-Saxophones – The Ultimate Guide” 
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